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Mushroom Cannelloni

Home » recipes » Mushroom Cannelloni
Preparation time
10 min
10 min
4 pers

Necessary ingredients

  • 1 box of fresh cannelloni
  • 500 gr Crema di Rugiada
  • 200 gr champignon mushrooms
  • 100 gr grated cheese
  • 2 eggs
  • 200 gr peeled tomatoe sauce
  • 1 onion
  • 200 gr milk
  • 50 gr butter
  • 50 gr flour
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Nutmeg


Cannelloni stuffed with Crema di Rugiada mousse and mushrooms are an original recipe by chef Rocco Violante, able to warm up even the coldest autumn evenings. Creamy and quick, cannelloni with mushrooms conquer all guests thanks to the irresistible melt-in-your-mouth cream combined with béchamel. They do not include meat, but they are still very nutritious thanks to mushrooms and are perfectly suited to the needs of those who follow a vegetarian diet.

In one bowl mix Crema di Rugiada with eggs, grated cheese, salt and pepper. Let the mixture rest in the fridge.
Meanwhile, prepare a sauté and cook the peeled tomato sauce in a saucepan over low heat.
Separately, melt the butter and add the flour, stirring vigorously. Once you have obtained a homogeneous mixture, pour the already hot milk with a pinch of nutmeg and, with a whisk, work everything to shape the béchamel. Set it aside and use a spoon to collect it later.
To prepare the mushrooms, wash them and cut them into thin slices and fry them lightly in a pan with a drizzle of oil.
Put a base of sauce and bechamel in a rectangular non-stick pan and place 12 cannoli filled with the Crema di Rugiada mixture. Arrange all the cannoli, cover them with a ladle of sauce and bechamel, mushrooms and a sprinkling of grated cheese.
Cook for about 15 minutes in a ventilated or static over at 180° and serve.